Yeast, candida, thrush, athlete’s foot, fungus – there are a lot of terms used to describe the human conditions that can be caused by a yeast overgrowth. But what about our dogs? They too can be susceptible to yeast overgrowth and it normally shows up as a skin condition.


If your pup has itchy red skin, irritated ears or hot spots it could be excess yeast. While a swab sample is generally needed for confirmation, if that “Frito Feet” smell is strong, or the ears have a musty smell, it’s likely a yeast issue.


Start by changing your dog’s diet to one that is free of common allergens, sugars and grains. While honey is normally a healthy sugar, yeast will thrive with it, so it’s best avoided – watch out for other sugars like corn syrup and even sweet potatoes too.


For dogs with yeast problems, we recommend CaniSource which is a low temperature dehydrated raw food. It gives the benefits of raw food in the convenience of a kibble. It promotes better digestion, is made in Canada and is grain free, so a great choice for dogs suffering from yeast. Plus it’s free from most common allergens which helps your dog’s body rebalance their healthy bacterial balance.

canisource grand-cru

That irritated skin needs to be addressed too. Supplements to help calm the skin from the inside out are recommended. Ones that offer anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties like True Raw Choice Olive Leaf Powder are important because they help control the yeast while boosting the immune system.


Another supplement to look to is Melissa’s Aloe. Made for both humans and animals, not only does aloe relieve reddened, sore skin, it also bolsters the immune system ensuring toxins are passed.


For immediate skin relief find skin-calming and soothing shampoos, wipes and sprays. While your dog’s insides are where the problem begins, their discomfort is on the outside and you want to give them relief as soon as possible. We’ve found Earth Bath Anti-itch spray and shampoo in the tea-tree and aloe formula to be effective in calming the skin. Because of the tea-tree, there is an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal property at work along with the soothing ingredients.
earth bath - anti itch

Don’t leave your dog to scratch and suffer, helps them fight excess yeast inside and out.